privacy policy

In providing the information, features and functionality for users on our website we remain committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and that your rights are protected as set out in the Privacy Act 1993. By using our site you consent to our use of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. All intellectual property on the site is owned by Quizzical Company Ltd. When you become a registered user your personal details that identify you are retained safely and securely. We will collect data relating to your quiz results and performance. We may also collect data relating to your activity on our site, and information when you interact with our social networking pages. We will collect information when you use specific services on our website. We may collect information when you click on features or ads or other content. We may establish some direct contact with you by using your contact details. This will be used to provide communications relating to your performance, or upcoming events. As a registered user you will have the opportunity to opt-in and opt-out of this correspondence. QCL will collect, aggregate and analyse quiz results, and may share these with other parties on an aggregated basis. These details will not specifically identify you. QCL has the right to use Cookies to improve the functionality of our service. They will assist with identifying your device, securing your access to our site, and better sharing content with you. They will also allow us to recognise you as an existing user. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on the site to enhance your overall experience, and also to benefit users. We have in place advanced administrative, technical and physical security controls to protect your data. We store your personal information and quiz results electronically only. The information is kept safe and secure using advanced web-based security. However, we cannot guarantee the protection of your personal information against every event. Although every effort has been made to eliminate errors we cannot guarantee the total accuracy of all of the data and information on the site. You may contact us to make changes to your personal information at any time. This policy may be subject to change, according to market demands or product enhancements or changes. We welcome your feedback if you have any comments or privacy concerns. Please send e-mails to